Second Life Marketplace
Update History


Product Overview
Product Content
Update History

Product Overview

Version: 2.3
Last Update: 02-21-2012
Permissions: Modify/Copy/No Transfer
Objects: 3
  • PAR56: 26
  • Controller: 6
Price: L$650

Product Content




  • 2 Different PAR56's
  • 8 Colors
  • Optional Light Beams
  • Optional Ground Effect
  • Optional Prim Light
  • Midifiable colors
  • 2 Different Programs
  • 2x4 Speeds
  • Set to Owner Group or All
  • Create up to 3 Sets of PAR56's
  • Advanced Controller
  • Product Update Service



In OFF state the beams will become small.
When the Par56 Box is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
  • Set 1, 2, 3: With this function you can create 3 groups of PAR56's. Default is Set 1.
  • GRND ON/OFF: With this function you can enable/ disable the Par56 Ground Effect. Default is ON.
  • BEAM ON/OFF: With this function you can enable/ disable the Par56 Beam Effect. Default is ON.
  • RL ON/OFF: With this function you can enable/ disable the PAR56's prim lights. Default is OFF.
  • Quit: To exit the menu the correct way.


The Controller has 12 buttons;
ON: To enable PAR56 and Controller. The default program (Program 1, speed 2) will be started.
OFF: To disable PAR56 and Controller.
EMPTY: No function is set to this button yet.
  • Set 1, 2, 3: With this function you can create 3 groups of PAR56's. Default is Set 1.
  • Owner, Group, All: You can make the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
  • Quit: To exit the menu the correct way.
  • Update: To check for product Updates.
P1, Speed 1, 2, 3, 4: To set PAR56 Program 1 and speed (1 is slow, 4 is fast).
P2, Speed 1, 2, 3, 4: To set PAR56 Program 2 and speed (1 is slow, 4 is fast).
1, 2: These are the TouchPanel buttons for PAR56_EXTREME_1 and PAR56_EXTREME_2.
* When you click and hold down the left mousebutton the lights will go on.
* If you release the left mousebutton the lights will go off.

Update History

VERSION: 2.3, 02-21-2012
  • FIXED: Controller Owner, Group, All rights.
  • CHANGED: Controller is now modifiable.
VERSION: 2.2, 03-07-2011
  • ADDED: SET 1, 2, 3 Buttons added to the controller.
  • ADDED: IDCode (HUD) feature.
VERSION: 2.1, 12-15-2010
  • ADDED: Controller Mouse TouchPanel Buttons.
  • CHANGED: When ON is pressed the PAR56 will lit-up constantly.
VERSION: 2.0, 02-19-2010

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